第198章 老歪真狗,至暗时刻。
作者:怕水的喵   时长两年半,我打造全国第一科室最新章节     
  “wele, professor John, to share your valuable insights and opinions.(欢迎约翰教授提出宝贵的意见。)”
  “professor Jiang, we all know that being given a new treatment method can have a highly positive impact on patients, making it difficult to accurately evaluate the true effects of a treatment plan. without conducting double-blind trials, how do you ensure the elimination of biases and unconscious suggestions?
  “It is regrettable that we were unable to conduct a double-blind trial for this preliminary experiment. however, the initial research findings have been relatively satisfactory, and we are confident in proceeding with further in-depth studies.
  In the next phase, we plan to expand the sample size and conduct a large-scale double-blind randomized controlled study.
  “In 2004, in order to enhance the safe use and regulation of herbal medicines, the overseas Alliance introduced the \\\"traditional herbal medicine Registration procedure directive.\\\" It required all herbal medicine manufacturers to plete registration before April 30, 2011. Failure to do so would prohibit the sale and use of these medicines within the overseas Alliance. (2004年,为了加强对植物药的安全使用和监管,海外联盟出台了《传统植物药注册程序指令》,要求所有植物药生产企业必须在2011年4月30日前完成注册,否则不允许在海外联盟境内销售和使用。)
  In practice, this procedure provided a lenient approach for traditional herbal medicines from the country of daxia. Unlike other pharmaceuticals, they were not required to undergo safety and efficacy testing; instead, they only needed to provide proof of historical usage, demonstrating effectiveness for the claimed therapeutic indications. (实际这一程序已经对来自大夏国的传统植物药网开一面了,不要求像其他药物一样进行安全和功效测试,而只需要提供应用年限证明,证明药物对声称可以治疗的疾病有效。)
  to my knowledge, by the deadline of April 30, 2011, not a single traditional herbal medicine from daxia could provide such evidence of efficacy.(据我所知,到截止日期2011年4月30日,大夏国传统植物药全军覆没,没有一个能证明自己有效。)